1. What were the beginnings of music in America that developed into jazz?

2. In which city did jazz take hold? Why?�



During the Slave trading days, New Orleans was a major slave-trading center, and near the slave markets were establishments that jazz took hold. Jazz initially had the reputation of low class (ie prostitute, and others of ill repute), so it suffered for a long time before it was accepted. Even Scott Joplin with his brillant rag-time music suffered from this bias. After the Civil War, New York developed a music scene, but it again was in establishments that sunday school ladies didn't frequent.

Here is an excellent site on the history of jazz.


1. The beginnings of music in America that developed into jazz can be traced back to the African-American communities during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Jazz originated from a fusion of African musical traditions brought by enslaved Africans and European musical influences.

To understand the development of jazz, it is important to learn about the influences that shaped it. African musical traditions, such as call and response patterns, polyrhythms, and improvisation, played a significant role in shaping the rhythmic complexity of jazz. On the other hand, European musical elements, like harmony, instrumentation, and formal structure, provided the foundation for jazz compositions.

Furthermore, the socio-cultural environment in America, particularly in New Orleans, played a crucial role in the development of jazz. New Orleans was a melting pot, with diverse cultures and musical traditions from Africa, the Caribbean, and Europe being brought together. The interaction of these various cultural influences created a rich and vibrant musical scene where jazz was born.

2. New Orleans is often recognized as the city where jazz took hold. There are several reasons why this is the case:

a) Cultural Diversity: New Orleans was a cultural crossroads with a diverse population of African-Americans, Creoles, and Europeans. The interaction and blending of different cultural backgrounds played a significant role in the development of jazz.

b) Birthplace of Jazz Musicians: New Orleans was home to many influential jazz musicians, such as Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, and Sidney Bechet. These musicians became the pioneers and ambassadors of jazz, both within New Orleans and beyond.

c) Crucial Musical Traditions: New Orleans had a long-standing history of musical traditions, including African rhythms, European classical music, Caribbean influences, and brass band traditions. These traditions served as the foundation for the development of jazz.

d) Unique Musical Environment: The city's distinctive musical environment, characterized by street parades, brass bands, and informal jam sessions, provided a fertile ground for experimentation and collaboration among musicians. This vibrant musical atmosphere nurtured the emergence and growth of jazz.

Overall, New Orleans' cultural diversity, talented musicians, rich musical traditions, and unique musical environment all contributed to it becoming the city where jazz took hold and flourished.