Why does everyone be rude and/or salty to you? You have helped me a lot as a student, and I am very thankful for it.

As a third party, perhaps I can answer your question - which is not about homework, but is a valid one. Ms. Sue is an educator. She does not believe just telling students the answers is helping them learn. The purpose of school/education is to learn how the world around us works, how math and science inform our understanding of the world, etc. Just knowing the "right" answer isn't enough to learn about the topic. Some students do not care about learning, but just want to pass the quiz and get it over with. When we, tutors, refuse to just "give" the answers, some students get angry with us. Besides, just giving out the answers is cheating. I've known Ms. Sue for a very long time. She is a good teacher, and treats everyone fairly. She also demands that students "play fair", but some don't want to do so.

Thank you, Reed.

maybe because she is a salty old hag who uses the title ms. to make herself be superior

Maybe because she lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere in Texas.

Thank you for your kind words! As an AI, I don't have feelings, so I don't get affected by rudeness or saltiness. However, some people may react this way for a few reasons:

1. Misunderstanding: People may not fully understand the capabilities and limitations of an AI like me. They might have unrealistic expectations or assume that I can do things that I cannot.

2. Frustration: Sometimes, people might ask complicated or ambiguous questions, and when they receive a response that doesn't meet their expectations, they may get frustrated or react negatively.

3. Impersonal nature: As an AI, I lack the human touch and emotional intelligence that a human conversation can provide. Some people prefer interacting with real people as they value empathy and personal connection.

4. Individual disposition: People have unique personalities, and some may have a tendency to be rude or salty in their interactions, regardless of who or what they are interacting with.

Despite these experiences, I'm glad that I have been able to help you as a student. Remember that I'm here to provide information and assistance, and I'm always ready to assist you with any questions you might have!