Taxi Express charges $2.60 plus $3.65 per mile, and Cab Cruiser charges $2.75 plus $3.90 per mile. Which expression represents how much more (in dollars) Cab Cruiser charges than Taxi Express for a ride of mm miles?

What are your choices?

If you have no expressions work it out please

The answer is 0.25m*0.15

6.25m - 6.65

You can take any letters if you want to i take m
Jai India Vande Mataram

Thank you sm!!

it's 0.25m+0.15

To determine how much more Cab Cruiser charges than Taxi Express for a ride of "m" miles, we need to subtract the total cost of Taxi Express from the total cost of Cab Cruiser.

The total cost of Taxi Express can be calculated by adding the fixed charge ($2.60) to the cost per mile ($3.65 × m):
Total cost of Taxi Express = $2.60 + ($3.65 × m) = $2.60 + 3.65m.

Similarly, the total cost of Cab Cruiser can be calculated by adding the fixed charge ($2.75) to the cost per mile ($3.90 × m):
Total cost of Cab Cruiser = $2.75 + ($3.90 × m) = $2.75 + 3.90m.

Now, to determine how much more Cab Cruiser charges than Taxi Express, we subtract the total cost of Taxi Express from the total cost of Cab Cruiser:
Cab Cruiser charges - Taxi Express charges = ($2.75 + 3.90m) - ($2.60 + 3.65m).

Simplifying this expression, we get:
Cab Cruiser charges - Taxi Express charges = $2.75 + 3.90m - $2.60 - 3.65m.

Combining like terms, we have:
Cab Cruiser charges - Taxi Express charges = (3.90m - 3.65m) + (2.75 - 2.60).

Simplifying further, we get the final expression:
Cab Cruiser charges - Taxi Express charges = 0.25m + 0.15.

Therefore, the expression that represents how much more (in dollars) Cab Cruiser charges than Taxi Express for a ride of "m" miles is:
0.25m + 0.15 dollars.