The population of Andhra Pradesh was 5.4 * 10^7 in 1988. If the population was growing at a constant rate of 2.4% per annum, what was the population in 2008 A.D ( Given that (1.024)^20 = 1.60694)

just multiply your 1988 population by 1.60694

why do you think they gave you that number?


Question ka answers

To find the population of Andhra Pradesh in 2008, we need to use the formula for compound interest:

P = P_0 * (1 + r)^n

P is the final population
P_0 is the initial population
r is the growth rate per period
n is the number of periods

P_0 = 5.4 * 10^7 (population in 1988)
r = 0.024 (2.4% growth rate per annum)
n = 2008 - 1988 = 20 (number of years)

Substituting these values into the formula:
P = (5.4 * 10^7) * (1 + 0.024)^20

Now, let's plug it into a calculator or solve it step by step:

1 + 0.024 = 1.024

So, the equation becomes:
P = (5.4 * 10^7) * (1.024)^20

Using the given value of (1.024)^20 = 1.60694:
P = (5.4 * 10^7) * 1.60694

Calculating further:
P = 8.71 * 10^7

Therefore, the population of Andhra Pradesh in 2008 was approximately 8.71 * 10^7.