What economic reasons contributed to the beginning of the French Revolution?

(Select all that apply.)

king Louis xvi required Protestants to pay higher taxes

king Louis xvi required Catholics to pay higher taxes

france was in debt due to overspending on wars

France was in debt due to the cost of maintaining overseas colonies

A and D

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b and d

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The French revolution main cause was debt and the fact that the 98% percent of the population that wasn't noble or clergy paid the majority of the taxes. So which two answers deal with debt?

C and D

To determine the economic reasons that contributed to the beginning of the French Revolution, let's analyze the options provided and see which ones apply:

1. King Louis XVI required Protestants to pay higher taxes: This statement does not directly correspond to an economic reason for the French Revolution. While religious tensions were present during the revolution, the main causes were related to social inequality and economic hardships.

2. King Louis XVI required Catholics to pay higher taxes: Similarly to the previous statement, religious discrimination does not directly constitute an economic cause for the revolution.

3. France was in debt due to overspending on wars: This is a significant economic reason for the French Revolution. The French monarchy engaged in numerous costly wars, such as the Seven Years War and the American Revolution, which led to a substantial increase in national debt.

4. France was in debt due to the cost of maintaining overseas colonies: This is also a valid economic reason for the French Revolution. France invested a considerable amount of money in maintaining and expanding its overseas colonies, such as those in Africa and the Americas, leading to a further strain on the national finances.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answer is option (C) - France was in debt due to overspending on wars, and option (D) - France was in debt due to the cost of maintaining overseas colonies.