George is starting a new streaming music service. For a monthly fee, you can stream 50 songs. There is an additional charge for each song over 50. In August, Bill was charged $11.22 for 67 songs and in September he was charged $13.50. Write a function for the total charge. What is the monthly membership fee? What is the additional amount charged per song?

c = m if n<50

c = m + a(n-50) if n>/= 50

11.22 = m + a (67-50)
11.22 = m + 17 a

13.50 = m + a(n -50)
you have to know n, the number of songs in September.

To find the monthly membership fee and the additional amount charged per song, we need to analyze the given information.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. From the information provided, Bill was charged $11.22 for streaming 67 songs in August. This means that for the first 50 songs, there is no additional charge, and for the remaining 17 songs, he was charged extra.

2. In September, Bill was charged $13.50. We don't have the exact number of songs streamed, but we know that the number exceeded 50. Therefore, there was an additional charge for the extra songs.

Based on this information, we can set up a function to calculate the total charge. Let's assume that the monthly membership fee is 'm' dollars, and the additional charge per song is 'c' dollars.

Function definition:
def calculate_total_charge(songs_streamed, membership_fee, charge_per_song):
if songs_streamed <= 50:
return membership_fee
extra_songs = songs_streamed - 50
additional_charge = extra_songs * charge_per_song
return membership_fee + additional_charge

Using this function, we can solve for the monthly membership fee and the additional amount charged per song by substituting the provided data.

For August's charge of $11.22 for 67 songs:
11.22 = calculate_total_charge(67, m, c)

For September's charge of $13.50:
13.50 = calculate_total_charge(songs_streamed, m, c)

Solving these two equations will give us the values for the monthly membership fee (m) and the additional charge per song (c).