Please help me with this science, thank you!!

The sun is a mid-sized, main sequence star. What stage is next in the life cycle of the sun?
A red giant
B blackhole
C white dwarf
D neutron star
Astronomers study many different kinds of objects in our Solar System. Which of the following best describes a difference between comets and asteroids? *
A Comets orbit planets, and most asteroids orbit the Sun.
B Comets are hot balls of gas, and asteroids are made mostly of ice.
C Comets are made mostly of ice, and asteroids are made mostly of rocks.
D Comets orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, and asteroids form patterns in the sky.
In November 2013 an object orbiting the sun seemed to disappear behind the sun. When a satellite did not detect the object, astronomers thought that the object had been destroyed when it passed close to the sun. However, when another satellite detected a small, bright object with a fan-shaped tail, astronomers proposed that the object was not destroyed.What type of object were astronomers most likely observing?
A Comet
B An Asteroid
C A meteor
D A nebula
Main sequence stars that are much larger and more massive than our Sun will become Super Giants. They will end their life cycle as
A supernova
B nebula
C white dwarf
D neutron star or black hole

For number 1, I do know that the sun is a mid-sized, main sequence star; and the next stage of the sun would be to turn in to a red giant. :-)

The first is white dwarf, not red giant

which one is it

it is red giant first. I'm taking the quiz right now.

IS trahs evrythig because i think

To answer the questions, let's break them down one by one:

1. The sun is currently in the mid-sized, main sequence stage of its life cycle. The next stage in its life cycle is (A) a red giant. To determine this, scientists study the life cycle of stars. In this case, the sun, being a mid-sized star, will eventually expand and become a red giant.

2. The difference between comets and asteroids can be determined by understanding their composition and orbits. The correct answer is (C) Comets are made mostly of ice, and asteroids are made mostly of rocks. Comets are composed of ice, dust, and other organic compounds and often have a glowing coma and a tail when they are closer to the sun. Asteroids, on the other hand, are rocky objects that orbit the sun. While some asteroids can come close to or cross paths with planets, they primarily orbit the sun.

3. Based on the information provided, astronomers were most likely observing (A) a comet. When an object appears to disappear behind the sun and is later detected with a fan-shaped tail, it suggests that the object passed close to the sun and experienced a process called outgassing, where the sun's heat causes the comet's icy nucleus to vaporize and form a coma and a tail.

4. Main sequence stars that are much larger and more massive than our sun will end their life cycle as (A) a supernova. When larger stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, a supernova occurs, leading to a powerful explosion. This explosion can cause the remnants to form either a neutron star or a black hole, depending on the mass of the original star.

To find the answers to these questions, it is important to have a basic understanding of stellar evolution and the characteristics of different astronomical objects. You can learn more about these topics through scientific resources, textbooks, or online educational platforms.