Amy has $1,000 in a savings account at the beginning of the fall. She wants to have at least $500 in the account by the end of the fall. She withdraws $100 a week for living expenses. Write an inequality for the number of weeks Amy can withdraw money, and solve.

A) 1000 - 100w ≤ 500; w ≥ 6
B) 1000 + 100w ≤ 500; w ≤ 5
C) 1000 + 100w ≥ 500; w ≥ 6
D) 1000 - 100w ≥ 500; w ≤ 5

@Reiny thats what this website if for, this website is made for cheating.

Reiny: I have submitted both explanations and this one time an answer.

I answered it since this is an actual response I have gotten for one the questions I posed on this forum.

After receiving an answer with no explanation, I assumed for a moment that it was acceptable. Perhaps you would be willing to explain the answer that was posted to my question yesterday during the 6pm to 9pm hours...

The real answer is d


I guess ur right . . . . cause serously all we needed to do was pick d because they said it was not a, b, or c so............

Guys, The answer is D look at it.

To solve this problem, we need to write an inequality that represents the situation. Let's break down the information given:

Amy has $1,000 in the savings account at the beginning of the fall.
She wants to have at least $500 in the account by the end of the fall.
She withdraws $100 a week for living expenses.

Let's use the variable "w" to represent the number of weeks Amy can withdraw money.

When Amy withdraws $100 a week, the total amount remaining in her account can be calculated by subtracting $100 times the number of weeks from the initial amount of $1,000. This gives us the expression: 1000 - 100w.

Since Amy wants to have at least $500 in the account by the end of the fall, we can write the inequality:

1000 - 100w ≥ 500

This inequality states that the total amount remaining in the account must be greater than or equal to $500.

Now, let's solve the inequality:

1000 - 100w ≥ 500

First, subtract 1000 from both sides of the inequality:

-100w ≥ 500 - 1000
-100w ≥ -500

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -100. Remember that when dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign is reversed:

w ≤ (-500) / (-100)
w ≤ 5

Therefore, the correct answer is D) 1000 - 100w ≥ 500; w ≤ 5. Amy can withdraw money for a maximum of 5 weeks to ensure she has at least $500 remaining in her account by the end of the fall.

Did you look at the choices?

The left side of the statements describe the amount she has left.
Since she want to keep a balance of more than 500, choices A and B are obviously eliminated.

So look at C and D
in C she would be adding 100 per week (+), but she withdraws 100 (-)

so .....

i think its c

Don't just give answers, that serves no purpose other than it allows the student to cheat.