Why does President Kennedy employ the rhetorical techniques used in his Rice Stadium Moon Speech?

Why does anyone use rhetorical techniques?


Why does anyone use, and craft, language (rhetoric) to communicate?

To fully understand why President Kennedy employed rhetorical techniques in his Rice Stadium Moon Speech, it is essential to analyze the context and purpose of the speech. President Kennedy delivered this speech on September 12, 1962, at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The main objective of the speech was to rally public support and generate enthusiasm for America's ambitious goal of reaching the Moon.

By employing rhetorical techniques in his speech, President Kennedy aimed to:

1. Create a sense of urgency: Kennedy used powerful and passionate language to convey the necessity of exploring the Moon. He highlighted the competitive nature of the space race with the Soviet Union and stressed the importance of American leadership to maintain global influence and security.

2. Establish credibility: To earn the trust of the audience and enhance his authority on the subject, Kennedy showcased his administration's accomplishments in space exploration, such as Alan Shepard's first American manned spaceflight. This helped build confidence in his proposed goal of landing a man on the Moon.

3. Appeal to emotions: Kennedy understood that emotions play a significant role in winning the support of the public. He used vivid imagery and evocative language to evoke a sense of wonder, curiosity, and national pride when describing the potential benefits of lunar exploration. By appealing to the emotions of the audience, he aimed to ignite a shared sense of purpose and aspiration.

4. Employ rhetorical devices: Throughout the speech, Kennedy strategically employed rhetorical devices such as repetition, parallelism, and antithesis to make his words more memorable and impactful. By using phrases like "We choose to go to the Moon" and "Not because they are easy, but because they are hard," he captured the attention of the audience and made a lasting impression.

To determine specific rhetorical techniques used by President Kennedy in the Rice Stadium Moon Speech, one can listen to or read the speech transcript. Analyzing the language, tone, structure, and devices used will reveal the tactics employed to convey the message and inspire the audience.