Which option best describes events of the Spanish Inquisition?

the Spanish inquisitors exiled or executed Roman Catholics in Europe

spanish inquisitors executed protestants, Muslims, and jews

spanish inquisitors revitalized Roman art, philosophy, and architecture

spanish inquisitors revitalized feudalism, as inspired by Charlemagne

i think its b


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The correct option that best describes events of the Spanish Inquisition is option B: "Spanish inquisitors executed Protestants, Muslims, and Jews."

The Spanish Inquisition was established in the late 15th century by Catholic monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. Its primary purpose was to maintain Catholic orthodoxy and eliminate heresy within Spain. The Spanish inquisitors targeted individuals who were considered to be deviating from Catholic teachings, including Protestants, Muslims, and Jews.

To arrive at this answer, you need to have a basic understanding of the historical events that occurred during the Spanish Inquisition and the role of the inquisitors. Knowing the purpose of the Inquisition and the groups that were targeted helps in making an informed choice.