Maria ate 1/3 of a pie. Her sister ate 1/5 of what was left. What fraction of the whole pie did her sister eat?

(1/5) * (2/3) = 2/15


This is hard.

1/3 x 1/5=1/15

This is so hard my mom is having trouble uhhhhjj

To find out what fraction of the whole pie Maria's sister ate, we'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine what fraction of the pie is left after Maria ate 1/3 of it.
To find out what fraction is left, we subtract Maria's portion from the whole pie: 1 - 1/3 = 2/3

Step 2: Determine what fraction of the remaining pie her sister ate.
Since her sister ate 1/5 of what was left, we need to multiply 2/3 by 1/5: (2/3) * (1/5) = 2/15.

So, Maria's sister ate 2/15 of the whole pie.