I am a decimal number my thousandths digit is more than my tenths digit

It could be many numbers. What are your other clues?

I am a decimal number. My thousandths digit is less than my hundredths digit and 2 less than my tenths digits. What decimal am I?

To determine the decimal number where the thousandths digit is greater than the tenths digit, we need to consider the place value positions.

Let's assume the tenths digit is 0, and we want the thousandths digit to be greater than 0. In this case, the possible values for the thousandths digit are 1 through 9.

Therefore, an example of a decimal number where the thousandths digit is greater than the tenths digit would be 0.001.

Please note that there are many other possible decimal numbers that satisfy this condition, such as 0.002, 0.003, and so on, as long as the thousandths digit is greater than the tenths digit.

To find a decimal number where the thousandths digit is more than the tenths digit, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with any decimal number that has a tenths digit greater than 0. For example, let's say we start with 0.2.

2. Increase the thousandths digit while keeping the tenths digit the same or decreasing it. For instance, you could change the number to 0.201.

3. Continue adjusting the numbers until you achieve the desired condition where the thousandths digit is more than the tenths digit. You could change it again to 0.210, for instance.

By following these steps, you can create a decimal number where the thousandths digit is more than the tenths digit.