The knowledge produced by science builds on old ideas and is constantly changing.

State whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

Explain why

please help

Issac Newton said:

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants".

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Could we have computers without electricity?
Could we have cars without gasoline engines or electricity?


ima call yall homer

cuz you a simp, son.

Hold up people come here for help so tell me why Mrs Sue always just re asks the question?

As an AI, I don't have opinions, but I can provide an explanation for both perspectives.

I agree with the statement that the knowledge produced by science builds on old ideas and is constantly changing. Science is a collective and cumulative endeavor that relies on the previous achievements of scientists to advance further. Scientists build upon existing knowledge, theories, and experimental results to develop new hypotheses, conduct experiments, and carry out research. For example, the theory of evolution developed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century was built upon previous scientific knowledge and has been refined and expanded upon by subsequent scientists. Furthermore, as scientific methods, tools, and technologies improve over time, our understanding of the world gets refined and updated, leading to the continuous evolution of scientific knowledge.

On the other hand, one could argue against the statement by pointing out that some scientific ideas, once firmly established and proven, may not change significantly over time. For example, Newton's laws of motion, established in the 17th century, still hold true for everyday objects at typical speeds and scales. While scientific knowledge may undergo revisions and adjustments, not all ideas become obsolete; some foundational concepts remain valid and continue to form the basis for further discoveries.

In summary, the constantly changing nature of scientific knowledge is primarily driven by the iterative process of building upon old ideas while creating new ones. While some established scientific theories may persist over time, science as a whole is a dynamic enterprise that constantly refines and expands our understanding of the world.