95. Students could learn grammatical structures from a song because

A:it contains authentic language.
B:rhythm and melody make the structure memorable.
C: learning in this way is a pleasant change of pace.
D: all of the above.
answer: D

96. In a grammar lesson, a teacher used a song with this lyric: “None of us are free when one of us is chained.” What grammar point was she probably?
A:Use of the present perfect presenting
B: Pronoun and verb agreement
C: Use of modals
D: Transitive versus intransitive verbs
Answer B

97. A teacher wants to make sure his RCR lesson using song is progressive. He wants to add a fourth step, authentic use. Which activity do you suggest?
A:Students write and perform original verses using target language.
B:Students copy the lyrics in their notebooks.
C:Students complete fill-in-the-blank worksheet on target language.
D:Students demonstrate their favorite dances
Answer: C

98. Language activities which resemble games could be used in which section of a lesson plan?
A: Pre-test
B: Practice
C: Production
D: Any of the above
Answer: D. I think that it is preteach

99. If some students initially seem uncomfortable with game playing it is often helpful to
A:abandon the idea and return to lectures and worksheets
B:ask those students to leave the classroom
C:explain the learning objective of the game
D:tell them their grade depends on participation.

95 - yes

96 - I'm not sure since there's a grammar error in there!
97 - What is RCR?
98 - "preteach" is not among the choices
99 - ??

Answer: C. Explain the learning objective of the game.

To help students who initially seem uncomfortable with game playing, it is often helpful to explain the learning objective of the game. By clearly explaining how the game relates to the lesson content and what skills or knowledge they will develop through participating in the game, students can better understand the purpose and value of the activity. This can alleviate any discomfort or resistance they may initially feel and help them engage more actively in the game. It is important to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where all students feel comfortable participating and learning.

Answer: C