What is simple predicates and complete predicates of

A king had a strange dream

Predicate is another word for verb.

What is the ONE WORD that is the verb in that sentence? That's the simple predicate.

Everything from the verb to the end of the sentence is the complete predicate. What are those words?

PS -- If you have trouble identifying the verb in an English sentence, use this webpage:


Scroll down and click on Verb, and read and study this section well.

Strange dream

To determine the simple and complete predicates of the sentence "A king had a strange dream," we first need to identify the subjects and verbs in the sentence.

The subject of the sentence is "A king," and the verb is "had." The phrase "a strange dream" is an object of the verb.

Now, let's break down the predicates:

1. Simple Predicate: The simple predicate, also known as the main verb, is the verb that shows the action or state of being in the sentence. In this case, the simple predicate is "had."

2. Complete Predicate: The complete predicate includes the main verb as well as any other words or phrases that modify or complete the meaning of the main verb. In this sentence, the complete predicate is "had a strange dream". It consists of the verb "had" and the object "a strange dream."

So, the simple predicate is "had," and the complete predicate is "had a strange dream."