Tom sold half of his comic books and then bought six more. He now has twelve. How many did he begin with?

0.5x + 6 = 12

0.5x = 6

x = 12

It's not a clear solution please put clear solution.


Comic books=x
Tom started with 12 comic books

Dan sold half of his comic books and then bought 6 more. He now has 18. How many did he begin with ?

Jack Sold half of his comic books and then bought 13 more. He now has 41 with how many did he begin

To find out how many comic books Tom began with, we can use a simple algebraic equation. Let's assign a variable to the unknown quantity, say "x".

According to the problem, Tom sold half of his comic books, which means he is left with x/2 comic books. After buying six more, his total count is now 12. We can express this information in the equation:

x/2 + 6 = 12

To solve for x, we can first simplify the equation by subtracting 6 from both sides:

x/2 = 6

Then, to isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 2:

2 * (x/2) = 2 * 6

This gives us:

x = 12

Therefore, Tom began with 12 comic books.