what is a 7 letter word that is a high shrill sound, the 3rd letter is i and the 5thletter is t

it could be whistle


It is a whistle!!!!😎

To find a 7-letter word that is a high shrill sound, with the 3rd letter being "i" and the 5th letter being "t," you can use various methods. One approach is to go through a list of words that fit the pattern and find one that matches the description.

Here are the steps to find such a word:

1. Start by considering words that fit the length requirement (7 letters) and contain "i" at the 3rd position.
2. Focus on words that also have "t" at the 5th position.
3. Narrow down the list of words to those that relate to a high shrill sound.

Using these steps, one possible word that fits the criteria is "Whistle." It is a 7-letter word where "i" is the 3rd letter and "t" is the 5th letter. Whistle is also commonly associated with a high shrill sound.

Remember that there might be other valid words meeting the given conditions, so it's always important to consider different options.

Seven letter word second word an a fourth word an e , sixth word an u, what is this word?

3rd letter i and the 5th letter t