A scale drawing showing the distance from your house to the school has a scale of 1.5 cm to 5 km. If the actual distance from your house to the school is 30 km, what is the distance on the drawing?

1.5 * (30/5) = _____ cm

In Virginia, the Grand Caverns is approximately 35 kilometers from the Frontier Culture Museum. You make a drawing of the two locations with a scale of 6 inches representing 35 kilometers. How far apart do you draw the Grand Caverns and Frontier Culture Museum?

35 km *( 6" /35km) = 6"

The answer is 9

i love it

To find the distance on the drawing, you need to use the ratio provided by the scale. The scale states that 1.5 cm represents 5 km.

First, calculate the ratio: 1.5 cm / 5 km.

To find the distance on the drawing, you need to set up a proportion using the ratio.

Let "x" be the distance on the drawing that you want to find.

The proportion is set up as follows:

1.5 cm / 5 km = x cm / 30 km

To solve for "x," you can cross-multiply:

1.5 cm * 30 km = 5 km * x cm

45 cm km = 5 km * x cm

To isolate "x," divide both sides of the equation by 5 km:

45 cm km / 5 km = x cm

9 cm = x

Therefore, the distance on the drawing is 9 cm.