Create an image visualizing the scenario of a man who can be of any descent showing innovation, endurance, and self-correction. The man, known as Marcus, is depicted making adjustments to his invention - a lightweight, unique bicycle helmet light. He struggles initially at spring festivals but finds more success later at gatherings of bike enthusiasts and a booth at a sporting goods store. Graphically depict the rise in his profit without explicitly stating it. Show the positive incentives of entrepreneurship like being your own boss and organizing productive resources.

Marcus invented a new bicycle helmet light that increases safety without being too heavy. He tried selling it spring festivals but it was not getting much interest. The next month he decided t focus only on selling at gatherings of bike enthusiasts and a booth at the sporting goods store on Saturdays. He found his profit double almost immediately.

1. Which characteristic of entrepreneurs is Marcus demonstrating?

Self correction


Innovation •••


2. in which situation does an entrepreneur earn profits?

Matching income to losses

Experiencing more losses than income

Taking a loan to cover losses

Having greater income than costs•••

3. What is one non-monetary positive incentive for becoming an entrepreneur?

Working long hours

Earning a profit •••

being your own boss

organizing productive resources

1. A

2. D
3. C

100% right

1.) A Self-Correction

2.) D Having greater income than costs
3.) C Being your own boss



1. A

2. D
3. C

Number 1 is A



Is correct

Yea just took it ADC

I mean

1. A. self correction

