the ratio of the dimention of linear acc to angular acc is

To find the ratio of the dimension of linear acceleration to angular acceleration, we first need to understand their definitions and dimensions.

Linear acceleration refers to the rate of change of velocity of an object moving in a straight line. It is defined as the change in velocity divided by the change in time. The dimension of linear acceleration is given as length divided by time squared (L/T^2).

Angular acceleration, on the other hand, refers to the rate at which the angular velocity of an object changes. Angular velocity describes the rotational speed and direction of an object. Angular acceleration is defined as the change in angular velocity divided by the change in time. The dimension of angular acceleration is given as angle divided by time squared (θ/T^2).

To determine the ratio of the dimensions of linear acceleration (L/T^2) to angular acceleration (θ/T^2), we can simplify by canceling out the common factors, which are the time squared (T^2). This results in the ratio:


Therefore, the ratio of the dimensions of linear acceleration to angular acceleration is L/θ.