are these sentences in past tense correct?

je me suis lavée (f)
je me suis lavé les cheveux

je ne me suis lavée
je ne me suis pas lavée les(de?) cheveux
since in negative i always use de?

im asking if these sentences are correct

not a translation in english

Please check #3: Je ne me suis pas lavée (you, of course, must be feminine)

#4. You got #2, so look at it again. je ne me suis pas lavée les(de?) cheveux = should be "je ne me suis pas lavé les cheveux" = I did not wash my hair. Because hair is the direct object and follows the verb, there is no agreement with the past participle.

To answer your question about "pas de" = you would in an ordinary negative sentence but in this one you are talking about "the hair" and not "some hair." In other words, this is NOT an example of the partitive.

Sra (aka Mme)

this is what you put i pretty sure

I washed myself (F) I washed myself the hair I did not wash myself I did not wash myself them (?) does hair since in negative I always use of?

i guess it would lol i think the endig doesnt make sence tho

these sentences are correct

Always "pas" for negative, and not necessarily "de"

Yes, the sentences are in the past tense and are correct.

In French, when referring to a female subject, the past participle "lavée" should agree in gender and number with the subject, so "je me suis lavée" is correct. On the other hand, when referring to a male subject, you would use "je me suis lavé".

Both sentences "je me suis lavée les cheveux" and "je me suis lavé les cheveux" are correct, depending on the gender of the subject. "Les cheveux" means "the hair" and remains the same for both genders.

When expressing negation in French, you can use either "ne...pas" or "ne...pas de". In this case, both forms are acceptable. So, you can say "je ne me suis pas lavée" or "je ne me suis pas lavée les cheveux", using "pas" without "de".