Describe real-world situation that can be modeled by the inequality x+14 is greather than or equal to 17. Is an example in the book of what I'm doing but I don't understand how they got their answer.

The inequality x + 14 ≥ 17 represents a real-world situation where there is a minimum requirement or condition that needs to be met. To understand it in a real-world context, let's consider a scenario of buying movie tickets.

Imagine you are planning to go to the movies. The cost of a movie ticket is $17. However, you have an additional $14 that you plan to spend on snacks or any other expenses associated with watching the movie. In this situation, x represents the amount of money you already have with you.

To determine whether you have enough money to go to the movies, you can use the inequality x + 14 ≥ 17. Here's how to solve it:

1. Start with the inequality: x + 14 ≥ 17.
2. To isolate x, subtract 14 from both sides of the inequality:
x + 14 - 14 ≥ 17 - 14.
x ≥ 3.

The solution to this inequality is x ≥ 3, which means you need to have $3 or more in order to afford the movie ticket and have enough additional money for snacks or other expenses.

So, in real-world terms, this inequality tells us that you need at least $3 in order to go to the movies and cover both the ticket cost and additional expenses.