there are 50 animals on a farm,24% of them are pigs, 30% are cows and the remaining are sheep. what is the percentage of the total number of cows and pigs to that of the sheep?

54:46 = 27:23

To find the percentage of the total number of cows and pigs to that of the sheep, we first need to determine the number of cows, pigs, and sheep on the farm.

Given that there are 50 animals on the farm, we can calculate the number of pigs and cows using the percentages provided.

Number of pigs = (24/100) * 50 = 12
Number of cows = (30/100) * 50 = 15

To find the number of sheep, we subtract the sum of the pigs and cows from the total number of animals:

Number of sheep = 50 - (12 + 15) = 23

Now, to calculate the percentage of cows and pigs relative to the number of sheep, we divide the sum of cows and pigs by the number of sheep:

Percentage = ((Number of cows + Number of pigs)/Number of sheep) * 100

Percentage = ((15 + 12) / 23) * 100 ≈ 95.65

Therefore, the percentage of the total number of cows and pigs to that of the sheep is approximately 95.65%.