Find area of trapezium ABCD ;AB||DC in which AB=9cm,DC=4cm,AD=5cm and BC=5cm

Drop altitudes from C and D. That will create a rectangle and two right triangles. I'm sure you can find those areas.

Don't forget the Pythagorean Theorem to find the altitude.

Sir show me miscellaneous exercise of mensurstion

To find the area of a trapezium, you can use the formula:

Area = (Sum of parallel sides) multiplied by (Distance between those sides) divided by 2.

In this case, the parallel sides are AB and DC, and the distance between them is AD.

AB = 9 cm
DC = 4 cm
AD = 5 cm
BC = 5 cm

To find the area, substitute the values into the formula:

Area = (AB + DC) * AD / 2

Area = (9 + 4) * 5 / 2
= 13 * 5 / 2
= 65 / 2
= 32.5 cm²

Therefore, the area of trapezium ABCD is 32.5 cm².