suppose you want to add a sprinkler system, and location of one section of the ssprinker line can be described by the equation y=1/2x-4

complete the table for this equation
x y (x,y)

Could someone please help me with this table

x y (x,y)



You gave several x values that you have to plug into your equation to get the y values.

y = 1/2x-4

I will do the x = -1
y = 1/2(-1) - 4
= -1/2 - 4
= -4 1/2 or -9/2 or -4.5

so the same for your other x's

To complete the table, you need to substitute the given x-values into the equation y = 1/2x - 4 and find the corresponding y-values.

Here's how to calculate the missing values:

1. For x = -1:
Plug in x = -1 into the equation y = 1/2x - 4:
y = 1/2(-1) - 4
y = -1/2 - 4
y = -1/2 - 8/2
y = -9/2

So, when x = -1, y = -9/2. The point (-1, -9/2) completes the first row of the table.

2. For x = -2:
Plug in x = -2 into the equation y = 1/2x - 4:
y = 1/2(-2) - 4
y = -1 - 4
y = -5

So, when x = -2, y = -5. The point (-2, -5) completes the second row of the table.

3. For x = -4:
Plug in x = -4 into the equation y = 1/2x - 4:
y = 1/2(-4) - 4
y = -2 - 4
y = -6

So, when x = -4, y = -6. The point (-4, -6) completes the third row of the table.

4. For x = 2:
Plug in x = 2 into the equation y = 1/2x - 4:
y = 1/2(2) - 4
y = 1 - 4
y = -3

So, when x = 2, y = -3. The point (2, -3) completes the fourth row of the table.

5. For x = 8:
Plug in x = 8 into the equation y = 1/2x - 4:
y = 1/2(8) - 4
y = 4 - 4
y = 0

So, when x = 8, y = 0. The point (8, 0) completes the fifth row of the table.

Now, the completed table should look like this:

x y (x,y)
-1 -9/2 (-1, -9/2)
-2 -5 (-2, -5)
-4 -6 (-4, -6)
2 -3 (2, -3)
8 0 (8, 0)