The ratio of 6th graders to 7th graders in the competition is 15 to 8. How many 7th graders are there if 225 6th graders are competing?

i dont know maths

15/8 = 225/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

X= 12.5


How can you get a half a person?

Do you know what it means to cross multiply?

35 is not right, either


Yes. There 120 seventh graders.

To find the number of 7th graders, we need to use the given ratio of 6th graders to 7th graders, which is 15 to 8.

First, we need to determine how many times the ratio can fit into the given number of 6th graders. To do this, we divide the number of 6th graders by the ratio's denominator (which represents the number of groups the ratio is divided into), which is 15 + 8 = 23.

So, 225 (number of 6th graders) divided by 23 (denominator of the ratio) equals 9.78 (approximately).

This means that there are approximately 9.78 groups of the given ratio in the number of 6th graders.

Next, we can determine the number of 7th graders by multiplying the number of groups by the ratio's numerator (which represents the number of 7th graders in each group).

Multiplying 9.78 (number of groups) by 8 (numerator of the ratio) gives us approximately 78.24.

Therefore, there are approximately 78.24 7th graders competing. However, since we cannot have a fraction of a person, we need to round this number.

Rounding 78.24 to the nearest whole number gives us 78.

Therefore, there are approximately 78 7th graders competing in the competition.