4. Islam is predominate in northern ___________, while traditional religions are predominate in the south. This led to a civil war and the eventual breakup of this country.

A. Iraq
B. Sudan
C. Malaysia
D. Ethiopia
E. Yugoslavia


I think you're correct.

To get the answer, let's analyze the options provided one by one:

A. Iraq: While Islam is the dominant religion in Iraq, it does not have a clear divide between the north and south based on religious differences. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

B. Sudan: Sudan is the correct answer. Sudan faced a civil war and eventually split into two countries, Sudan and South Sudan, primarily due to religious and ethnic differences. In Sudan, Islam is predominant in the north, while traditional religions are predominant in the south.

C. Malaysia: Islam is the primary religion in Malaysia, but it does not have a divide between the north and south along religious lines. So this option can also be eliminated.

D. Ethiopia: Islam is one of the major religions in Ethiopia, but there is no significant religious divide between the north and south that led to a civil war and the breakup of the country. Thus, this option can be eliminated.

E. Yugoslavia: Yugoslavia, although it experienced civil wars and eventually disintegrated, did not have a significant divide between the north and south based on religion. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. Sudan.