Complete the table below to solve the equation 2.5x − 10.5 = 64(0.5x).

x f(x) = 2.5x − 10.5 g(x) = 64(0.5x)

You guys don't go on to a website that is for people to get help on there assignments and then tell them to do there own work. What kind of messed up crap is that

I'm going to help you figure this out because I am actually on the same assignment. If you do not understand what it is asking, it is not asking you to break down the function notation, it is simply asking you to substitute (X) with 2,3,4,5,and 6 and then to solve it on each line

Who else is doing this in 2020?

Who else is doing this in 2021? btw Merry Christmas if your near this time!

me lmao

idk, this is confusing. what r the answeres

Hope this helps here's the answer :D

x f(x) = 2.5x - 10.5 g(x) = 64(0.5x)
2 -5.5 64
3 -3 96
4 -0.5 128
5 2 160
6 4.5 192

me, this is so confusing it almost 1am and i still have 3 more assignments to do, someone please helpppp!

I am also working on this right now and I am pretty confused!! Merry Christmas to you too!!!

Shut Up

bruh mfs been having a whole war in this comments sense 2017

I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas again and thank (most of you) for your answers!

Sarah thanks for your answer but some part of it I suppose is wrong. Your f(x) part is correct but the g(x) part is not correct. I have realized that the mistake is not on your side but the person that posted the question. The correct question for g(x) should be : g(x)=64(0.5^x) not g(x)=64(0.5x)

And for the answer of the g(x) part is:
2= 16
3= 8
4= 4
5= 2
6= 1

But if that was the correct question no worries. Just take note to anyone who has the same question I do. I still can't believe that this question took at least 4 or 5 years to be answered.

x f(x) = 2.5x - 10.5 g(x) = 64(0.5x)

2 -5.5 64

3 -3 96

4 -0.5 128

5 2 160

6 4.5 192

nevermind I got it now

The correct answer is x=2

the two people who said do your own work was right. academic integrity is coming for you...

Do your own work...This is for a graded assignment.

Do your own work