what is the change in temp when the thermometer reading moves from the 1st temp to the 2nd temp.

20degree F to -10 degress F.Please explain to me how you get the answer for future problems.

change in temp: FinalTemp-Initialtemp

-10 - 20 or -30F

The square of 2

well if you're trying to find the difference:

20 - (-10) = 20 + 10. So the difference is 30. You can just add it's opposite. Ex. -30 - -20. That = -30 + 20. therefore the answer is -10.


To find the change in temperature between two temperatures, you subtract the initial temperature (1st temp) from the final temperature (2nd temp). In this case, the initial temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and the final temperature is -10 degrees Fahrenheit.

The formula to find the change in temperature is:
Change in temperature = Final temperature - Initial temperature

Substituting the values,
Change in temperature = (-10 degrees F) - (20 degrees F)

To subtract the temperatures, you need to consider the concept of adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. In this case, subtracting a positive number from a negative number is equivalent to adding their absolute values.
So, |-10| + |20| = 10 + 20 = 30

Therefore, the change in temperature from 20 degrees Fahrenheit to -10 degrees Fahrenheit is 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

To solve similar problems in the future, remember to subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature using the formula, and consider the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.