I want to know how we know if a function is continuas or discontinuos and what are the types and diff if discontinuos functions?

To determine if a function is continuous or discontinuous, we need to evaluate its behavior at different points in its domain. First, let's understand what it means for a function to be continuous:

A function is considered continuous if there are no sudden jumps, breaks, or holes in its graph. In other words, it means that the values of the function change smoothly as we move along the x-axis.

To check if a function is continuous, we can use the following criteria:

1. "Removable Discontinuities":
These are discontinuities that can be "repaired" or "filled" by redefining the function at a specific point. For example, if the function has a hole at a particular x-value, we can redefine the function at that point to make it continuous.

2. "Jump Discontinuities":
These are abrupt discontinuities where the function "jumps" from one value to another at a specific x-value. For example, the function f(x) = [[x]] (the greatest integer function) has jump discontinuities where the function jumps at integer values.

3. "Infinite Discontinuities":
These occur when the function approaches infinity at a particular x-value, or when there is a vertical asymptote. For example, the function f(x) = 1/x has an infinite discontinuity at x = 0.

4. "Essential Discontinuities":
These are also known as "non-removable" or "irremovable" discontinuities. They cannot be repaired or filled, regardless of how the function is defined. For example, the function f(x) = sin(1/x) has an essential discontinuity at x = 0.

To determine the type of discontinuity, we consider the limits at the discontinuous point. If the limit exists from both the left and right sides and is finite, we have a removable discontinuity. When the limit from one side does not equal the limit from the other side, we have a jump discontinuity. If at least one limit approaches infinity or negative infinity, we have an infinite discontinuity. Essential discontinuities occur when the limit itself does not exist or approaches infinity or negative infinity.

By analyzing the behavior of a function at different points within its domain, we can determine whether it is continuous or discontinuous and identify the type of discontinuity(s) it exhibits.