how would i work out the following problems

solve each formula in terms of the given variable

1. 5d-2g=9 ;g

The formula A=2h(l+w) gives the lateral area a of a rectangular solids with length l, width,w and height h.

2. solve this formula for h

3. solve this formula for l

The Formula P=F/A gives the pressure P for a force F and an area A

4. slove this formula for A

5. solve this formula for F

The formula V= 1 lwh gives the the volume V of a rectangular pyramid with length l/3, width w, and height h

6. solve this formula for w

7. solve this formula for h

Solve each formula in terms of the given variable.

8. A C
B = d ; d

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To solve each of the given problems, you need to isolate the variable in each formula. Let's go through each problem step by step:

1. 5d - 2g = 9 ; Solve for g

To isolate the variable g, you should first move the term -2g to the other side of the equation by adding 2g to both sides:

5d - 2g + 2g = 9 + 2g

This simplifies to:

5d = 9 + 2g

Next, you want to isolate g by moving the term with g to the opposite side of the equation. You can do this by subtracting 9 from both sides:

5d - 9 = 9 + 2g - 9

This simplifies to:

5d - 9 = 2g

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for g:

(5d - 9) / 2 = g

Therefore, g = (5d - 9) / 2.

2. A = 2h(l + w); Solve for h

To solve for h, you need to isolate it on one side of the equation. Start by dividing both sides of the equation by 2(l + w):

A / (2(l + w)) = 2h(l + w) / (2(l + w))

On the right side of the equation, the 2's cancel out, leaving:

A / (2(l + w)) = h

Therefore, h = A / (2(l + w)).

3. A = 2h(l + w); Solve for l

To solve for l, you need to isolate it on one side of the equation. Start by dividing both sides of the equation by 2h:

A / (2h) = 2h(l + w) / (2h)

On the right side of the equation, the 2h's cancel out, leaving:

A / (2h) = l + w

Finally, subtract w from both sides of the equation to solve for l:

(A / (2h)) - w = l

Therefore, l = (A / (2h)) - w.

4. P = F / A; Solve for A

To solve for A, you can rearrange the equation by multiplying both sides by A:

P * A = (F / A) * A

On the right side of the equation, the A's cancel out, leaving:

P * A = F

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by P to solve for A:

A = F / P

Therefore, A = F / P.

5. P = F / A; Solve for F

To solve for F, you can rearrange the equation by multiplying both sides by A:

P * A = (F / A) * A

On the right side of the equation, the A's cancel out, leaving:

P * A = F

Therefore, F = P * A.

6. V = (1/3) lwh; Solve for w

To solve for w, you can rearrange the equation by dividing both sides by (1/3)lh:

V / ((1/3)lh) = (1/3)lwh / ((1/3)lh)

On the right side of the equation, the (1/3)lh's cancel out, leaving:

V / ((1/3)lh) = w

Therefore, w = V / ((1/3)lh).

7. V = (1/3) lwh; Solve for h

To solve for h, you can rearrange the equation by dividing both sides by (1/3)lw:

V / ((1/3)lw) = (1/3)lwh / ((1/3)lw)

On the right side of the equation, the (1/3)lw's cancel out, leaving:

V / ((1/3)lw) = h

Therefore, h = V / ((1/3)lw).

8. A / B = C / d ; Solve for d

To solve for d, you can rearrange the equation by multiplying both sides by d:

(d * A) / B = (C * d) / d

On the right side of the equation, the d's cancel out, leaving:

(d * A) / B = C

Finally, multiply both sides by B and divide by A to solve for d:

d = (B * C) / A

Therefore, d = (B * C) / A.

Remember, when solving equations, it's essential to perform the same operation to both sides of the equation to keep it balanced.