I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! -Patrick Henry

How did Patrick Henry act on this idea?

He became a member of the Virgins Committee of Correspondence

He became a member of the Declaration if Independence Committee****

He worked as a spy for the Continental Army

He wrote the Maryland Declaration of rights

It should be A

KK, Thnx:)

To find out how Patrick Henry acted on the idea of "Give me liberty or give me death!" we can look at his actions and involvement during the American Revolution.

One way Patrick Henry acted on this idea was by becoming a member of the Virginia Committee of Correspondence. These committees were formed by the American colonies to communicate with each other and coordinate resistance against British rule. The members were responsible for exchanging information, organizing protests, and promoting colonial unity. By joining this committee, Henry actively participated in the movement for liberty and independence.

While Patrick Henry was not directly involved in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, he did play a crucial role in the lead-up to its creation. He became a member of the Virginia Convention in 1775, where he delivered his famous "Give me liberty or give me death!" speech. Through his passionate oratory, Henry rallied support for American independence and inspired others to take up arms against British oppression. His speech had a significant impact on rallying public opinion and fueling the cause for independence.

Although Patrick Henry did not work as a spy for the Continental Army and did not specifically write the Maryland Declaration of Rights, these other options mentioned in the question are not relevant to his actions regarding the idea of "Give me liberty or give me death!"