Uh...Yea... Sorry about this, but I"m trying to study and I need someone to walk me through, missed a lot of school. fyi, when there's a / its under the entire string before it until you hit the inequality symbol.

Tony Bowled 135 and 145 in his first two games. Write and solve a compound inequality to find the possible values for a third game that would give him an average between 120 and 130, inclusive.

1. 120 <= 135+145+n/3<=145; 120<=n<=140

2. 135 <= 120+140+n/3<=145; 80<=n<=85

3. 120 <= 135+145+n/3<130; 80<n<110

4. 120 <= 135+145+n/3<=130; 80<=n<=110

Yea...I get the general idea on this, but my teacher is on a field trip today so I haven't been able to ask any questions.

I need help with this, too...

I think the answer is D what do you guys think?

I think it's D too!

No problem! I can help you understand how to solve this problem.

First, let's break down the information given in the problem:

Tony bowled 135 and 145 in his first two games.

To find the average of three games, you add up the scores of all three games and divide by 3. So, we need to find the value for the third game, let's call it "n", that will give us an average between 120 and 130 (inclusive).

To write a compound inequality, we need to consider both the lower and upper bounds for the average.

The lower bound is 120, so the sum of the three games divided by 3 should not be less than 120. This can be written as:

120 <= (135 + 145 + n) / 3

The upper bound is 130, so the sum of the three games divided by 3 should not be greater than 130. This can be written as:

(135 + 145 + n) / 3 <= 130

Now let's solve each part of the compound inequality:

1. For the first part, we multiply both sides by 3 to get rid of the fraction and simplify:

120 * 3 <= 135 + 145 + n

360 <= 280 + n

Subtracting 280 from both sides:

360 - 280 <= n

80 <= n

2. For the second part, we multiply both sides by 3 to get rid of the fraction and simplify:

135 + 145 + n <= 130 * 3

280 + n <= 390

Subtracting 280 from both sides:

n <= 390 - 280

n <= 110

So the possible values for the third game, "n", that will give Tony an average between 120 and 130 (inclusive) are 80 <= n <= 110.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 4: 120 <= 135 + 145 + n / 3 <= 130; 80 <= n <= 110.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.