A 13.5 gallon tank is 4/5 full. How many gallons will it take to fill the tank.

0.2 * 13.5 = >


1/2 a gallon


To find out how many gallons it will take to fill the tank, we need to calculate the remaining amount of space in the tank.

Given that the tank is 4/5 full, we can calculate the amount of space that is currently occupied by multiplying the tank capacity (13.5 gallons) by 4/5:

Occupied space = 13.5 gallons × 4/5 = 10.8 gallons

To determine the remaining space in the tank, we subtract the occupied space from the total tank capacity:

Remaining space = Total tank capacity - Occupied space
= 13.5 gallons - 10.8 gallons
= 2.7 gallons

Therefore, it will take an additional 2.7 gallons to completely fill the tank.