Homwwork help What are the Legislative tasks and judiciary rolls in shaping public policy?

The U.S. legislative branch makes the laws. The judiciary branch determines whether these laws are legal according to the Constitution.

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To understand the legislative tasks and judiciary roles in shaping public policy, we first need to understand what each of these branches does.

The Legislative Branch:
The legislative branch consists of the Congress, which is composed of two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their main role is to make laws. The legislative branch is responsible for a range of tasks, including:

1. Writing and proposing bills: Members of Congress write and propose bills that may become laws. These bills address various issues and can be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Representatives.

2. Debating and amending bills: Congress conducts debates on proposed bills, where representatives from both houses have the opportunity to express their opinions and offer amendments to the original bill.

3. Passing bills into law: Once a bill is debated and amendments are made, both the Senate and the House of Representatives vote on the final version of the bill. If the majority in both chambers approves it, the bill goes to the executive branch (the President) for final approval or veto.

4. Oversight: Congress also plays a role in oversight, ensuring that the executive branch is implementing and executing laws appropriately. They can hold hearings, conduct investigations, and issue subpoenas to gather information.

The Judiciary Branch:
The judiciary branch is responsible for interpreting laws and applying them in individual cases. They do not make laws but play a vital role in shaping and influencing public policy through their interpretation of existing laws. Some of the judiciary's roles in shaping public policy include:

1. Judicial Review: The judiciary has the power of judicial review, which allows them to determine the constitutionality of laws. If a law is found to be unconstitutional, it can be invalidated, effectively shaping public policy.

2. Clarifying legal principles: Through their rulings on specific cases, the judiciary helps clarify legal principles, which can influence the interpretation and application of laws in future cases.

3. Resolving conflicts: The judiciary resolves conflicts between different laws or between laws and individual rights. Their decisions set precedents that shape future public policy debates and legal interpretations.

4. Impact of landmark cases: Some landmark cases have had a substantial impact on public policy, such as Brown v. Board of Education, which led to the desegregation of schools. These cases have played significant roles in shaping public policy by addressing important issues and influencing legislative actions.

In summary, the legislative branch shapes public policy through the creation and enactment of laws, while the judiciary branch interprets existing laws and resolves conflicts, ultimately impacting public policy by providing legal guidance and clarification through their rulings.