a jeepney bound for Lawton leaves Carriedo at 11:57 am with an average rate of 40kph at 12 noon Mr Sammy leaves carriedo at rate 65kph. If the distance from Carriedo to Lawton is 7km at what time the jeepney and Mr Sammy reach Lawton.

To find out the time at which the jeepney and Mr. Sammy reach Lawton, we need to calculate the time it takes for each of them to travel the 7 km distance.

First, let's determine the time it takes for the jeepney to reach Lawton at an average rate of 40 km/h:

Time = Distance / Rate
Time = 7 km / 40 km/h
Time = 0.175 hours

Next, let's find the time it takes for Mr. Sammy to reach Lawton at a rate of 65 km/h:

Time = Distance / Rate
Time = 7 km / 65 km/h
Time = 0.1077 hours

Now, we will convert the decimal values into minutes:

For the jeepney:
0.175 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 10.5 minutes

For Mr. Sammy:
0.1077 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 6.46 minutes

To calculate the arrival time, we need to add the time it takes for each of them to the departure time:

For the jeepney:
11:57 am + 10.5 minutes = 12:07:30 pm

For Mr. Sammy:
12:00 pm + 6.46 minutes = 12:06:28 pm

Therefore, the jeepney and Mr. Sammy will reach Lawton at approximately 12:07:30 pm and 12:06:28 pm, respectively.