Which of the following messages does the author most likely want you to take away from the reading this novel?(1 point)

- Personal choice is critical to society.***
- Rules are made to be broken.
- There is no place for memories in modern society.
-Success for all depends on strict adherence to rules.

I agree.

To determine the message that the author most likely wants you to take away from the reading of this novel, you need to closely analyze the text and identify recurring themes or ideas. Start by reviewing the novel and looking for passages or incidents where personal choice is emphasized or discussed. This could include moments where characters make important decisions or the author explicitly highlights the significance of individuals' choices in shaping society. Look for evidence that supports the idea that personal choice is critical to society.

Additionally, pay attention to any passages that may hint at the author's intentions or opinions. Look for the author's use of language, rhetorical devices, or other literary techniques that suggest a particular stance on the subject. Consider the overall tone of the novel and how various events and character interactions contribute to the conveyed message.

Based on your analysis, you should be able to determine which of the given options aligns most closely with the message the author wants you to take away from the novel. In this case, the option "Personal choice is critical to society" appears to be the most likely message, indicated by the author's deliberate emphasis on the significance of individual decisions and their impact on society.