Have I matched the right Scientists with these famous sayings:

Scientists: Ptolemy, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Brahe & Hubble.

1)"I've finally worked out an explanation as to why planets orbit the sun and moons orbit planets. It is gravity that keeps an object in orbit! " I believe the scientist would be Newton
2)"The Earth is the center of the universe, and all of the planets & stars orbit our planet My theory predicts the motion of the planets better than any other theory of my day." (would this be Ptolemy or Kepler--I think Ptolemy)

3) It appears the Milky Way has neighbors. I know many of you think our galaxy is the only one, but it looks like that's just not so. This means the universe is a lot bigger than we thought. --I believe the Scientist is Galileo

4.) I prefer the theory of the sun-centered universe over other theories. The telescope has helped me to discover that the planets are not just dots of light, but physical bodies like the Earth. --I believe the Scientist Hubble.

5) After several years of precise observations, I conclude that our universe is Earth-centered. The sun and the moon revolve around the Earth, while the other planets revolve around the sun. (is this Kepler or Ptolemy I think Kepler)
6) For centuries people have been thinking that the Earth is at the universe's center,but I'm certain that the sun is at its center. I am certain that the planets orbit the sun.
---I believe Copernicus was the Scientist who said this.

7) I do not agree with my mentor's theory that the sun revolves around the Earth. I have used his precise data to propose another theory in which all of the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits. --Is the Scientist that said this Brahe?

1) "I've finally worked out an explanation as to why planets orbit the sun and moons orbit planets. It is gravity that keeps an object in orbit!" - This quote is indeed attributed to Isaac Newton. Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

2) "The Earth is the center of the universe, and all of the planets & stars orbit our planet. My theory predicts the motion of the planets better than any other theory of my day." - This quote is attributed to Ptolemy. Ptolemy's geocentric model proposed that the Earth was at the center of the universe, and all celestial bodies moved around it.

3) "It appears the Milky Way has neighbors. I know many of you think our galaxy is the only one, but it looks like that's just not so. This means the universe is a lot bigger than we thought." - This quote is attributed to Edwin Hubble. Hubble made important observations that demonstrated the existence of other galaxies beyond the Milky Way, confirming the idea of an expanding universe.

4) "I prefer the theory of the sun-centered universe over other theories. The telescope has helped me to discover that the planets are not just dots of light, but physical bodies like the Earth." - This quote is actually not associated with any specific scientist from the provided list.

5) "After several years of precise observations, I conclude that our universe is Earth-centered. The sun and the moon revolve around the Earth, while the other planets revolve around the sun." - This quote is attributed to Tycho Brahe, also known as Tyge Brahe. Brahe's model proposed a hybrid geocentric-heliocentric system in which the planets revolved around the sun, but the sun and the moon revolved around the Earth.

6) "For centuries people have been thinking that the Earth is at the universe's center, but I'm certain that the sun is at its center. I am certain that the planets orbit the sun." - This quote is indeed attributed to Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model, which suggested that the sun was at the center of the solar system, and the planets, including Earth, revolved around it.

7) "I do not agree with my mentor's theory that the sun revolves around the Earth. I have used his precise data to propose another theory in which all of the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits." - This quote is indeed attributed to Johannes Kepler. Kepler's laws of planetary motion, formulated based on the precise data provided by his mentor Tycho Brahe, described the motion of planets around the sun in elliptical orbits.

Your thinking is way off on some.

1,2 correct.
3 He lived this century
4 He was jsiled by the Catholic Church.
5. correct
6. correct
7 yes.