explain how to use mental math to find 700 x 8

Grace -- do not post any more questions until you've answered the replies that I've posted for your many previous posts.

in 700 x 8 you first multiply '7 x 8'which equals 56.

Then you would add the two 0's to the number
700 x 8= 5600
hope it helped!

To use mental math to multiply 700 by 8, you can break it down into simpler calculations. Here's how you can approach it:

Step 1: Recognize the multiplication pattern:
If one of the numbers is a multiple of 10, like 700 in this case, it becomes much easier to mentally multiply. You can multiply by the other number and then add the required number of zeros.

Step 2: Multiply the non-zero digits:
In this case, ignore the zeros in 700, and only consider the non-zero digits, which is 7. So, mentally multiplying 7 by 8, you get 56.

Step 3: Add the zeros:
Count the number of zeros in the original number, 700. Since there are two zeros, you need to add two zeros to the result obtained from step 2.

Step 4: Final result:
Combine the result from step 2 with the zeros from step 3. In this case, the result is 5600.

Therefore, 700 multiplied by 8 is equal to 5600.

Using mental math techniques like this can help make calculations quicker and easier.