a. -8 3/8 + 6 1/4

b. 4.2 -(-2.6)
c. 2 1.2 - 3(-5 + 7.25) + 5

I don't want the answers, I just want to know how to find the answer.

someone help please

u find it by changing the fractions to a man then eating a burger while flying on a scooter to mars

real funny

a. To find the sum of -8 3/8 and 6 1/4, you need to find a common denominator for the fractions and then add the whole numbers separately.

First, find the common denominator for the fractions, which in this case is 8. Convert both fractions into equivalent fractions with denominator 8:
-8 3/8 can be written as -8 3/8 = -8 (3/8) = -8 (3 * 1/8) = -8 (3/8) = -8 (3/8) = -8 (3/8) = -8 (3/8) = -8 (24/8) = -8 (24/8) = -8 (24/8)

6 1/4 can be written as 6 1/4 = 6 (1/4) = 6 (1 * 2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4) = 6 (2/4)

Next, add the whole numbers:
-8 + 6 = -2

Then, add the fractions:
3/8 + 2/4 = (3 * 2)/(8 * 2) + (2 * 1)/(4 * 1) = 6/16 + 2/4 = 6/16 + 2/4 = (6 + 8)/(16) = 14/16

So, the sum of -8 3/8 and 6 1/4 is -2 14/16.

b. To find the difference between 4.2 and -(-2.6), you need to subtract the negative value from the positive value.

-(-2.6) can be simplified as the double negative becomes positive: -(-2.6) = 2.6

Then, subtract 2.6 from 4.2: 4.2 - 2.6 = 1.6

So, the difference between 4.2 and -(-2.6) is 1.6.

c. To simplify the expression 2 1.2 - 3(-5 + 7.25) + 5, you need to solve it step by step following the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Start by simplifying the parentheses:
-5 + 7.25 = 2.25

Now, substitute the simplified value back into the expression:
2 1.2 - 3(2.25) + 5

Next, multiply:
3(2.25) = 6.75

Now, substitute the new value back into the expression:
2 1.2 - 6.75 + 5

Next, convert the mixed number into an improper fraction:
2 1.2 = 2 + 1.2 = 2 + (12/10) = (20/10) + (12/10) = (20 + 12)/10 = 32/10 = 3.2

Substitute the new value back into the expression:
3.2 - 6.75 + 5

Now, perform addition and subtraction from left to right:
3.2 - 6.75 = -3.55
-3.55 + 5 = 1.45

So, the simplified value of 2 1.2 - 3(-5 + 7.25) + 5 is 1.45.