Which of the following lines from the poem best shows the speaker's distaste for the situation?

A)Silence. Silence transmission of Pressurized good breeding?
B)OR VERY DARK?" Button B. Button A. Stench.
C)Pushed dumbfounded to beg simplification.
D)Her assent was very clinical, crushing in its light
Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted,

Which poem?

Three pieces:Senghor,Soyinka,Achebe

Basically Telephone Conversation

Sorry -- but I couldn't find the text online.


To determine which line from the poem best shows the speaker's distaste for the situation, we need to analyze the lines and look for indications of dislike or negative emotions. Let's go through each option and break it down:

A) "Silence. Silence transmission of Pressurized good breeding?"
This line suggests a disapproval of silence in the context of transmitting "Pressurized good breeding." The use of the word "Silence" and the questioning tone with the use of a question mark might indicate the speaker's distaste for the expectation of maintaining proper behavior.

B) "OR VERY DARK?" Button B. Button A. Stench.
Although this line does not explicitly express distaste, the juxtaposition of "VERY DARK" and the mention of a stench could be interpreted as the speaker being disgusted or repulsed by the situation. The use of capital letters and the mention of buttons might imply frustration or annoyance.

C) "Pushed dumbfounded to beg simplification."
This line suggests that the speaker is exasperated or overwhelmed, as they feel compelled to request or plead for simplification. The use of the word "dumbfounded" implies a sense of confusion or frustration, potentially indicating the speaker's distaste for the complexity of the situation.

D) "Her assent was very clinical, crushing in its light Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted."
While this line acknowledges the clinical nature of someone's assent and the impersonality of it, it does not explicitly show the speaker's distaste. Instead, it focuses on describing the situation with detached objectivity.

Considering the above analysis, it appears that option B) "OR VERY DARK?" Button B. Button A. Stench." best shows the speaker's distaste for the situation, as the mention of darkness, buttons, and the negative impression of a stench could imply a strong aversion or disapproval.