The auto repair shop is 1 3/10 miles from the bank. The bank is 3 3/5 miles from gina home. After she left her car at the shop gina walk to the bank. Then she walked home. How far did gina walk in all. Is the answer 5 miles


Is the answer 31 miles

Apparently you've learned nothing from the help you've received for your other similar problems.

Please go back and study them.

Is the answer 3 1/10 miles

Your answers are ridiculous.

3 1/10 is less than 3 3/5

To find out how far Gina walked in total, we need to add the distance from the auto repair shop to the bank and the distance from the bank to her home.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. The distance from the auto repair shop to the bank is 1 3/10 miles.
2. The distance from the bank to Gina's home is 3 3/5 miles.

To add these two distances, we can convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions:

1 3/10 = (1 * 10 + 3) / 10 = 13/10
3 3/5 = (3 * 5 + 3) / 5 = 18/5

Now we can add the two fractions:

13/10 + 18/5 = (13 * 5 + 18 * 2) / (10 * 5) = 65/10 + 36/10 = 101/10

To simplify the fraction, we can divide the numerator by the denominator:

101 รท 10 = 10 remainder 1

So the fraction 101/10 can be simplified to 10 1/10.

Therefore, Gina walked a total distance of 10 1/10 miles.

Hence, the answer is not 5 miles, but rather 10 1/10 miles.