Find the word to best complete the sentence.

After Bob's father died, he truly appreciated the ________ advice he received from other men who took a kindly interest in his upbringing.

A- avuncular

B- patrimony

C- matriarchal

D- patronymic

My choice is D.

Find the best word to complete the sentence.

The goal of some practical jokes is to ____ the victim.

A- fraternize

B- matriculate

C- mortify

D- patriarch

My choice is C.

Find the best word to complete the sentence.

Frederic Chopin showed signs of ____ talent when he began to compose music at the age of seven.

A- monogamous

B- moribund

C- nascent

D- matrix

My choice is C.

Make sure you have looked up and understood every single word that you are to choose from.

I have :)

The first answer is wrong. The other two are correct.

Okay, thank you Ms. Sue, but after looking back at number 1, none of the answers sound correct to me.

What is the definition of each of those words?

avuncular: like an uncle

patrimony: a family inheritance

matriarchal: to register as a student at a college or a university

patronymic: name derived from a paternal ancestor

^^^ that was my post, but I forgot to submit my name on it, sorry

Those are the exact definitions from my book.

OK. Which of those definitions fits in the first sentence?

Ohhhh A.

Right. Avuncular describes a kindly man who acts like a favorite uncle.

Thank you so much!! I appreciate your help on figuring this out! :)

You're very welcome.