Which of the following represent potential energy? a)a ball rolling down a hill b) stretched rubber band c) rowing a boat d) wind e) candy bar f) roller coaster at the top of hill


stretched rubber band

roller coaster at the top of hill

A) a Rolling Ball

b) streched Rubber Band

b,e,f because the energy is being stored but it isn't used to do something yet.

To identify the examples that represent potential energy, let's first understand what potential energy is. Potential energy refers to the energy that an object possesses due to its position, condition, or state. It is stored energy that can be converted to other forms of energy when conditions change.

Now, let's analyze each option you've provided:

a) A ball rolling down a hill: This is an example of kinetic energy, not potential energy. As the ball rolls down the hill, its energy is transferred from potential energy (due to its position at the top of the hill) to kinetic energy (due to its motion).

b) Stretched rubber band: This is an example of potential energy. When a rubber band is stretched, it stores potential energy, which can be released when the rubber band is allowed to return to its original position.

c) Rowing a boat: Rowing a boat involves the application of force, and it is a form of kinetic energy, not potential energy.

d) Wind: Wind is a form of kinetic energy caused by the movement of air molecules. It does not possess potential energy.

e) Candy bar: A candy bar represents stored chemical energy, which is a form of potential energy. The chemical energy can be released when the candy bar is consumed or undergoes a chemical reaction.

f) Roller coaster at the top of a hill: This is an example of potential energy. When a roller coaster is at the top of a hill, it has potential energy due to its height. As the roller coaster moves downhill, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

Therefore, the examples that represent potential energy are: b) stretched rubber band, and f) roller coaster at the top of a hill.