Examples of how Marianne represents sensability in Sense & Sensibilty by Jane Austen PLEASE HELP.

Im writing an essay of how Elinor represents sense and how Marianne represents sensability. i have Elinor down now i just need help with Marianne.

I already have how she openly shows her emotions for Willoughby. I have to have more examples though.


Be sure to read through the character analyses.

To find more examples of how Marianne represents sensibility in Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, you can analyze her actions, dialogue, and interactions with other characters throughout the novel. Here are a few more examples to consider:

1. Romanticism and Idealism: Marianne embodies a romantic and idealistic nature, which is often linked to sensibility. She becomes infatuated with the dashing and passionate John Willoughby, believing in the intensity of their connection. Her pursuit of love and intense emotional engagement demonstrate her sensibility.

2. Emotional Expressiveness: Marianne is highly expressive when it comes to her emotions. She freely and openly displays her joy, sorrow, and distress, often wearing her heart on her sleeve. This extreme emotional openness is a characteristic associated with sensibility.

3. Attachment to Nature and the Arts: Marianne has a deep appreciation and attachment to the beauty of nature and the arts. She finds solace in long walks, picturesque landscapes, and music, immersing herself in sensory experiences. These interests reflect her sensibility and her inclination towards emotional and aesthetic delights.

4. Rejecting Conventional Expectations: Marianne challenges societal norms and expectations by refusing to suppress her romantic sensibilities. She resists conforming to societal expectations of modesty and restraint, instead embracing her own passionate and expressive nature. This rebellion against societal norms aligns with her representation of sensibility.

Remember, as you analyze Marianne's character, be sure to draw evidence from the novel to support your claims. By closely examining her actions, thoughts, and interactions, you will find more examples of how she represents sensibility in Sense and Sensibility.