1. ¿Qué te pasó en ;a sala de emergencia?

Me _____ una inyección.
A. quemaron
B. tomaron
C. cayeron
D. pusieron
I said B

2. ¿Qué te pasó en el hospital cuando te rompiste la muñeca?
Primero me sacaron ____ y luego me pusieron el yeso.
A. la medicina
B. las puntadas
C. una radiografía
D. los frenillos
I said C

3. ¿Está Ud. Enfermo? ¿Cuáles son los _____?
Toso y estornudo mucho.
A. virus
B. síntomas
C. huesos
D. insecticidas
I said B

4. ¿Qué hacías anoche cuando te llamé?
____ insecticida en el sotano.
A. Estaba poniendo
B. Estás poniendo
C. Estuve poniendo
D. Estabas poniendo
I said A

5. ¿Cómo ___ hoy, Carlitos?
Todavía me duele el estómago, mamá.
A. te caes
B. te sientes
C. te pones
D. te quemas
I said B

6. Sra. Domínguez, ¿por cuánto tiempo estaban enfermos sus hijos?
Estaban enfermos _______ casi diez días.
A. para
B. por
C. hasta
D. desde
I said A

7. Cuando me rompí la pierna, el enfermero llamó por teléfono a mi madre mientras la médica me ______ el yeso.
A. estaba poniedo
B. está poniedo
C. pone
D. estoy poniedo
I said A

8. Sr. director, ¿tuvo mucho éxito la película que hizo el año pasado?
¡Claro que no! ¡Fue un _______!
A. terremoto
B. derrumbe
C. papel
D. fracaso
I said D

9. ¿Qué pensó tu padre del programa que vimos en la televisión anoche?
________ que el programa era demasiado violent.
A. Dijo
B. Decía
C. Digo
D. Dijeron
I said B

These look correct to me

1. To answer this question, we need to understand the context and the verb being used. The sentence structure suggests that something was done to the speaker in the emergency room, and they are choosing the correct verb to fill in the blank. The verb that matches the situation is "pusieron," which means "they put" or "they gave." So, the correct answer is D. pusieron.

2. Again, we need to understand the context and the verb being used. The speaker is describing what happened at the hospital when they broke their wrist. They were first "sacaron" (took out or extracted) something and then "pusieron" (put) a cast on. The option that matches this situation is C. una radiografía, which means an x-ray.

3. In this question, the person is asking about the symptoms the speaker is experiencing. From the options given, "síntomas" (symptoms) is the correct word to use. So, the correct answer is B. síntomas.

4. The speaker is describing what they were doing last night when they were called. They were "poniendo" (putting) something in the basement. The correct verb tense to use here is the past progressive tense, so the correct answer is A. Estaba poniendo.

5. The question is asking about how Carlitos is feeling. From the options given, "te sientes" (you feel) is the correct phrase to use to ask about someone's well-being. So, the correct answer is B. te sientes.

6. The question is asking how long the speaker's children were sick. From the given options, "por" (for) is the preposition that correctly indicates the duration of time. So, the correct answer is B. por.

7. The sentence describes a past event when the nurse called the speaker's mother while the doctor was putting on a cast. The correct verb tense to use here is the imperfect past tense. So, the correct answer is A. estaba poniendo.

8. The speaker is describing a movie that was made last year and asking if it was successful. From the options given, "fracaso" (failure) is the word that best fits the context. So, the correct answer is D. fracaso.

9. In this question, the speaker is talking about their father's opinion of a TV program they watched last night. The correct verb tense to use here is the imperfect past tense to match the past description. So, the correct answer is B. Decía, which means "he used to say."