Why animals and plants are found on earth but are not on other planets of the solar system?

Please ,,help me

No math,,,,the Q ( science)

water and oxygen

The reason animals and plants are found on Earth but not on other planets of the solar system is primarily due to a combination of several key factors, including the specific conditions required for life to exist and the unique characteristics of our planet.

1. Suitable atmospheric conditions: Earth has a relatively stable atmosphere that provides the right balance of gases, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, which are essential for supporting life as we know it. Other planets either lack a significant atmosphere or have atmospheres composed of gases that are inhospitable to life.

2. Liquid water: Water is crucial for life to thrive, and Earth is the only known planet to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface. Water plays a vital role in many biological processes, such as hydration, circulation, and food digestion.

3. Optimal temperature range: Earth is situated at a distance from the Sun that allows for a relatively stable and moderate temperature range. This range enables the existence of liquid water and provides conditions for life to flourish.

4. Presence of a magnetic field: Earth possesses a protective magnetic field generated by its core, which shields the planet from harmful solar radiation and cosmic rays. This protection significantly contributes to the preservation of life by preventing excessive exposure to damaging particles and energy.

5. Suitable gravity: Earth's gravity is within a range that allows for the retention of the atmosphere and water on its surface. This gravitational force affects various aspects of life, including the ability to move, grow, and maintain balance.

6. Carbon-based chemistry: Life on Earth is carbon-based, meaning it relies on carbon compounds for essential processes. Other planets may have different chemical compositions that are not conducive to sustaining life as we know it.

It is important to note that while the conditions on other planets in our solar system may not support complex life forms as we recognize them, scientists continue to explore the possibilities of microbial life in extreme environments such as Mars or the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The ongoing study of exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) is also shedding light on potentially habitable worlds in other star systems.