which of the following illustrates conduction as a mode of heat transfer 1 point

a microwave oven produces electromagnetic waves that transfer to the food in the form of head

leaving a metal spoon in a bowl of hot soup will make the spoon at a well

pasta rises and falls with the current boiling water

a campfire emits light waves, which in turn transfers heat to objects

It is defiantly B. I am sick, and eating chicken noodle soup. The soup is hot and the metal spoon was cold, now burning. It is B for sure.

If its not B ima B angry.

your right

I also think its a

microwave is radiation

spoon is soup is conduction***
pasta moving is convection
light waves is radiation

The answer if for sure B!!!!

I don't know, I'm going with B. I will come back with the answer later...

ok so the answer is B:).....i hope

I think it's A but I'm not sure

Its c people the answer is c

Anyone know?

Pasta rises and falls with the current of boiling water.

The answer is b or A

sting ray is right. think about it, and you'll agree.

it is b