Peyton has 2 pizzas. Each pizza is cut into 10 equal slices. She and her friends eat 14 slices. What part of the pizzas did they eat? Write your answer as a decimal. My answer is 1.4


You're right. I misunderstood the problem.

She is correct the correct the correct answer is 1.4

I must disagree with that answer.

There are 2 pizzas, each cut into 10 pieces.
So they had 20 pieces, and ate 14

part of the pizzas eaten = 14/20 = .7


wow its actually Mr.beast and I also agree its 1.4 first person who said that is anonymous so give that to him

thank you for your help. BUT, if it's wrong I'm dead.

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

I say 1.4 Whoever first said that i give then 1M dollars. Congrats
