1) Choose invertebrate to research.

Explain how body plan and anatomy enables invertebrate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.
Explain how your chosen invertebrate fits into the cladogram of invertebrates.
2) Chordates (not a primate)
Explain how body plan and anatomy enables chordate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.
Explain how your chosen chordate fits into the cladogram of chordates.
3) Primate
Explain how body plan and anatomy enables primate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.
Explain which group your chosen primate fits into and explain why.

I know how to do this, I just need help to find the right sites where it includes info about this. My invertebrate is jellyfish, my chordate is a snake, and my primate is a gorilla. And anything other that helps me, I'd love to hear, this is a slideshow/google slide by the way

Anyone know the answer? Barely working on this now xD

you guys can list out just the characteristics and what they are for.

Then just list all of this information under a random picture of your animal

1. invertebrate (worm)
ringed body plan ideal for burrowing
then just look up why worms need to burrow (first link on google has everything)
then add one - two other characteristic about their anatomy (body)
worms do not have eyes, instead have light sensors because they need to know where the sun is (sun dries skin and kills worm)
worms do not have ears, instead have movement sensors that allows them to detect their surroundings.
then i just copy and pasted why worms belong to the cladogram of invertebrates,
belong to phylum annelida
exhibits bilateral symmerty

basically rinse and repeat, just describing what characteristics your chosen organisms survive in the wild, then just look up how they fit into the cladogram and there should be some good answers right at the top of google!

good luck out there fellows!

also this answer ^^^ is for anyone else that needs help, for links and such really just keep rewording what you're looking for

there are some good PDFs that cover a lot of this information
besides google not to sure how else to help!!!
Thank you for reading!

For finding information about the body plan, anatomy, and essential functions of different organisms, including the jellyfish, snake, and gorilla, there are several reliable sources that you can refer to. Here are a few suggestions:

1) Websites:
- National Geographic (www.nationalgeographic.com): This website provides detailed information and photographs on a wide range of animal species, including invertebrates, chordates, and primates.
- Encyclopedia of Life (www.eol.org): This online database contains extensive information about various species, including their anatomy, behavior, and classification.
- Animal Diversity Web (animaldiversity.org): This resource provides comprehensive information on different animal species, including their morphology, behavior, and ecological roles.

2) Scientific Journals and Publications:
- Google Scholar (scholar.google.com): This platform offers access to a wide range of scientific articles and publications. You can search for specific keywords related to the anatomy and functions of your chosen organisms.
- Journal of Experimental Biology (jeb.biologists.org): This journal publishes articles on the physiology, anatomy, and behavior of animals, including invertebrates, chordates, and primates.
- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (zslpublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com): This journal covers various topics related to animal biology, evolution, and classification.

When researching the cladogram of invertebrates, chordates, and primates, you may want to consult resources that focus on evolutionary biology and phylogenetic relationships. Some helpful sources include:

- Tree of Life Web Project (tolweb.org): This website provides comprehensive information about the diversity and evolutionary relationships of organisms, including invertebrates, chordates, and primates.
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov): This database contains scientific papers and genetic information that can help you understand the evolutionary relationships among different species.
- University websites: Many university biology department websites provide resources and information on evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, and systematic classification.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and ensure that the sources are credible, academically sound, and preferably peer-reviewed. Now you can proceed with your research and complete your slideshow presentation.